Who do you think will win the next GOP debate?

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Problem of the Never Ending Campaign Season

Many people in America are frustrated. The reason they are frustrated is because of the inability of the people they elect to accomplish the things they promise. Everyone talks about how we need to make big changes in Washington D.C. but why do these big changes never happen? How come we hear promise after promise, with no results?

It is because of the never ending campaign season.

Long before Obama ever signed a single bill, before he ever even had the opportunity to rest his feet on the desk of the oval office, Republicans had one objective, to make him a one term president. So before he ever had the chance to bring hope and change to Washington D.C., he was faced with a group of corporate welfare cases who wanted to bring nothing more than the hope of his failure and change involving them taking back the executive power they lost -- after they screwed up the country.

The approval rating of congress has dropped from 25% before the 2010 midterm elections, all the way down to 9% -- even communism has a higher approval rating than the US congress. This is because Americans see that instead of focusing on the problems they were elected to solve, politicians have allocated their time and resources towards their objective of obtaining greater political power. The focus of campaigning to take the presidency back from Obama has caused some to put their love of power, before their love of country.

We may not know why Mitch McConnell has a continuous neck that extends all the way up to his mouth and we may not know why there are people who vote against their own interests (Middle Class people who think Donald Trump would make a great President); But one thing we do know is that the reason campaign promises are rarely kept, is because the campaign never ends.

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