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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Strategic Leadership: The Foreign Policy of Barack Obama Continued...

In a recent debate, presidential candidate Mitt Romney stated that he would follow the orders of his military advisors in making his military decisions. Based on this admission, how much differently would the Bin Laden assassination have happened if he were President? 

When Obama ordered Seal Team 6 to infiltrate the Osama Bin Laden compound and assassinate him, he went completely against what his advisers instructed him to do.

The moment the intelligence rolled in and we knew where Bin Laden was, the military's first response was to bomb the place, but Obama saw things differently. Taking into consideration the potential for civillian casualties and the fact that bombing the compound would destroy any evidence that Bin Laden was even there, he decided to take a much riskier --yet intelligent-- approach and used the expertise of the US Navy Seals. By taking this approach we were not only able to kill Bin Laden and obtain proof of his death, but also because he took charge in a sensitive situation, the lives of 23 children and their mothers were spared.

If Mitt Romney were President, he would have followed the advice of his advisers and 23 children would have been needlessly murdered and we would not have a shred of proof for Bin Laden's death.

From observing the Republican debates I think it is safe to say that if they were still in charge, they would have teamed up with Bibi Netanyahu by now and bombed the crap out of Iran and it is apparent from the irrationality of their rhetoric, that they are unsuited to lead America at such a critical time in global affairs. But what makes Obama different in this regard? 

What separates Obama from the Republican candidates who wish to replace him in 2012, is his ability to use diplomacy and international forces to get things done.

By working with the European Union to bring economic pressure to Iran to discontinue its nuclear program, Iran has been placed in a corner where it will eventually have no choice but to comply or commit economic suicide. Here is the Obama model for foreign policy: instead of trying to police the world all by yourself and blowing trillions of dollars to do it, get people to like you and want to work with you so you can make it an international effort.

Before Obama was President, we followed a series of unilateral decisions that not only didn't solve our problems, but created a great level of disdain for America among the international community. Because we have a pragmatic leader who is able to get the international community to work with him --in a way that the Republicans never could-- we have experienced a greater level of efficiency and success in our foreign affairs.

America faces a great crossroad at this moment in history and though most of us only see the economic problems our country faces, there are very serious challenges the US faces internationally that far overshadow our economic plight. By continuing the path we are following now through this tumultuous period in international affairs, we will be able to maintain peace internationally while still being tough on our enemies; however, if we put war-happy leaders in power who have pre-agreed to go to war with Iran, we will be placing the nation we love in great jeopardy.

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