Who do you think will win the next GOP debate?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mo money Mo problems

For a while, many conservatives were bowing their heads in disgust because of the seeming inevitability of Mitt Romney being their nominee. But thanks to their fellow "conservative" Newt Gingrich and his super pac, the likelihood of a Romney nomination has been greatly diminished. The reason the Romney campaign is faltering is because the only thing that Romney had going for him--his private sector experience--has been deduced to a symbol of the current corruption of our political and economic policies.

Many say that Romney's critics are engaging in class warfare and despising success, but it is much deeper than that. It is about exposing just how corrupt our current policies are so that we can replace them with smarter, fairer policies.  This is the thing that Republicans are fighting fervently to prevent.

When the Republican nominees (e.g. Gingrich, Huntsman, and Perry) began cannibalizing Romney on his "conservative" business record, it did a great service to President Obama. The reason it was so beneficial to Obama was because of the obvious entertainment value of being able to watch the Republicans eat each other alive and contradict everything they claim to stand for--out of their narcissistic desperation to be the President--but the biggest reason it helped him is because it brought the reality of how corrupt our current system is to light.

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