Who do you think will win the next GOP debate?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Proof the Economy is Improving, the GOP is Campaigning on Social Issues

I noticed something very interesting when the unemployment numbers for January were released. Republicans went from talking about the economy nonstop, to talking almost exclusively about birth control and gay marriage. They have attempted to paint an illusion of religious freedom being on the ropes, but what they are revealing--in a very entertaining fashion--is that they are the ones who are on the ropes. Now that the economy is improving, Obama's approval numbers are increasing, and their numbers are falling, they have had to resort to the last weapon in their arsenal--social issues.

The desperate attempt to pump life back into the dead elephant cadaver that has become of the Republican  platform is faltering and causing them to dwindle even more than they were, because something happened while the Republicans were lost in lala land; America woke up. The days when conservatives could target a minority group and win support among the masses, are over. America is a different place from what it was 10-20 years ago, and Republicans are meeting that reality with the force of a brick wall of public opinion polls. On just about every social issue that Republicans have exploited over the past century, there has been a dramatic shift to the liberal position. It seems that Americans, today, are not worried about what a woman does with her body or the things that people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms, but they are worried about making their mortgage payment and they are worried about the kind of economic climate that their children will have to adjust to if America continues down the path that it's on.

These are concerns that the Republicans are not able to relate to because for too long, they haven't had to. With the ability to buy elections and play off of people's fears and prejudices, there is little need to actually be a man or woman of the people. But now as the people are struggling to survive, and all the Republicans are proposing to do is cut taxes even more for the super wealthy, there is no time to worry about nominal positions of ignorance and bigotry. The people are ready for a leader who is willing to fight for them, as fervently as he is willing to fight for an unborn fetus, and many Americans are waking up to the truth that this leader has been there for the past three years, fighting for them--against a group of people who have done everything in their power to impede progress in order to try to make Obama a one-term president. Because the Republicans tried to make America fail for their own gain, they will be the ones who ultimately lose.

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