Who do you think will win the next GOP debate?

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Faith-Crushing, Liberal Guillotine of Destruction

Today, I heard one of stupidest things ever spoken in the history of politics. It was uttered by none other than the Pro-Life, Pro-Sweater-Vest, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum (If you google this, you will laugh every time you read headlines that say "Rick Santorum Surges" hehehe... I digress). At a town hall meeting on Wednesday, Rick Santorum made a historically inaccurate likening of President Obama to the French Revolution and the use of guillotines because of a recent bill--which has overwhelming support from the American people--that was signed by Obama, which requires Catholic hospitals (not churches) to include birth control in their health insurance plans. What most see as a common sense measure to improve women's health and reduce abortions, some see as an all out attack against America's faith institutions.

Over this past week, conservative pundits have stood upon their soapboxes of self righteousness and constitutional ignorance, and condemned the mandate as an attack against religious freedom and an example of government overstepping its constitutional bounds. However, it does nothing remotely similar to the claims made against it and most Catholics and the majority of Americans support it because it is simply common sense to make birth control available to all women--so as to prevent the need for a woman to ever have an abortion--but that didn't stop Rick Santorum from offering a display of pure stupidity. In his speech, he compared Obama's move to the French Revolution and warned that "for the French it led to the guillotine" and implied that Obama's decision would lead America to something similar.

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