Who do you think will win the next GOP debate?

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Faith Crushing Liberal Guillotine of Destruction Continued...

Even more than the fact that he used the French Revolution and the guillotine as a scare tactic in his speech, the debate boils down to something much more dumb than the reference itself; it boils down to the extreme belief among many conservatives--including Surging Santorum--that birth control is just as immoral as abortion and should likewise be banned. To the average American this sounds preposterous but it is one of the great objectives of many social conservatives to engineer federal law to fit their narrow-minded value systems--even in the face of a country that does not agree with their bogus views. Moreover, Rick Santorum claims to be Pro-Life, but can a person who supports mass killing in the name of oil--under the masquerade of freedom--and who opposes a lifesaving resource for women--Planned Parenthood--truly consider himself Pro-Life?

I think the reason Rick Santorum hates Obama and Liberals so much is because he knows that the Democrats and institutions like Planned Parenthood have done more to prevent abortions than he and his Republican Party, who claims to be "Pro-Life," could ever dream of--800,000 per year to be exact. Because of easier access to birth control and contraceptives, abortion rates have declined significantly and thanks to Planned Parenthood, women's access to breast cancer screenings and other women's health resources have increased dramatically, preventing a countless number of deaths. It seems that instead of being Pro-Life, conservatives like Surging Santorum would force America to embrace the value system of the Dark Ages when women had abortions with coat hangers because family planning resources did not exist; but for most rational human beings, the 21st century is a great place to be.

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