Who do you think will win the next GOP debate?

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Mo money, mo problems Continued...

In the minds of Romney and his supporters he did nothing illegal and is simply an example of succeeding in the "free" market. They see nothing wrong with a firm seeking out vulnerable companies, loading them up with debt, dismantling them, and then selling them off for parts. Here is an example of the Romney attitude summed up by Bill Maher: "What? We found a wounded animal and we ate it." This darwinian attitude might make sense to the expert rationalizer but to the average American it reeks of pure selfishness and greed. It gets worse.

Romney has also released his 2010 tax return revealing that although he and his wife made 27 million dollars through offshore and other investments, they paid a mere 13.9 percent in federal taxes--my English teacher crapped her pants when she heard this. Some people continue to support him, even in the light of overwhelming unfairness and flagrant favoritism towards the rich, but most people see his economic record and 2010 tax return as morally indefensible.

According to voters, the number one reason Romney won Iowa and New Hampshire was because they saw him as the most electable candidate among his peers; however, since Romney's business and tax records have been revealed, this sentiment among the Republican electorate has been greatly diminished. Now the Republicans are shuffling to do anything they can to keep the wool pulled over the eyes of the American people about the corrupt system that they built. Unfortunately for them, the damage has already been done and the GOP has become a sinking ship with a new captain--Rick Santorum--to lead the way to their ultimate demise in November.

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